Tuesday, September 25, 2012

5 Do Not's in Essay Writing

Students often deem essay writing a complex task because of several considerations they have to make. It pays though that you follow the rules so your essay would turn out good.

With that, remember these 5 do not’s.

Don’t plagiarize. You can paraphrase. You are also allowed to quote from resources such as http://www.essaywritingservices.com/. But never claim another author’s statement as yours. Always give credit where it is due. After all, you don’t want somebody owning your output as theirs.

Don’t overuse adjectives. Make full use of verbs to tell your story. The thing with adjectives is that they modify nouns, but they do not aid your ideas progress. In short, they add to your word count, but not to the substance of your essay.

Don’t use big words. Remember that using words that others rarely use would not make your essay sound smart. A well-written essay lends itself to comprehension. Keep it simple so readers would stick to you.

Don’t mess up thoughts. Group related ideas together. And observe transitions as you jump from one thought to another. Also, see to it that you have tied loose ends as you conclude your essay.

Don’t procrastinate. This is where most students fail. Essays are not completed in an instant. It entails research as well as proofreading. Take note when your essay is due, and ensure to start working on it the soonest you can.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Why It's Important Teen Students Have their Alone Time After School?

Solitude can be scary for some, particularly for students. School is a social environment, for one. And being alone most of the time might cause others to think negatively about you. However, spending some time alone after classes is also crucial.

Here are few reasons why.

Recharging mind and body. With insufficient rest, you will not be able to perform effectively. After a long day in school, you deserve a few minutes wherein you do not have to do anything but relax.

Keeping restraints up. You are able to assess your options carefully, whatever it is that you need deciding for. Pressure is decreased as you do not have to deal with anyone, except for yourself.

Releasing stress. Whether you spend it gazing at the stars, listening to your playlist, or watching your favorite film, there is no doubt that spending your me-time aids you ward off anxiety.

People would drown themselves with work so they could escape from the rest of their worries, which isn’t healthy in the long run. You are in school. There is a lot you ought to do, include to that reviewing for exams, and going through writing resources at essaywritingservices.com.

So learn to be comfortable with being alone, too. Reward yourself with me-time.